Dear Susannah Jones

Dear Susannah Jones,

Don’t worry. This isn’t an “ode” (which would be embarrassing). This is just musings of a non-writing writer who struggles to navigate the dumpster fire that is the current world experience and uses audible books to stay “grounded” on the planet.

I’m sure this will not surprise you to know that I first heard your voice as India Savage in “Rock Chick”. It amazed me that your male renditions were very good and your ability to help me “hear” the characters kept me riveted to a series about things I know nothing about–shoes, make-up, being smoking hot, and getting a happy ending out of situationships.

I especially love your interpretation of “Gah”. Which, by the way, seemed different depending on whether the “gah” was Indy, Rin, or Ava. How you managed to do ALL the voices of the Rock Chick-Dream Team women with their varied personalities is beyond me, but you shitsofuckit did.

So, I want to thank you. I want to thank you for getting me through the Pandemic. I want to thank you for making those characters live for me. Yes, I know Kristen Ashley wrote the stories, but I’ve come to understand the importance of a really great narrator. In fact, I’d say you were the reason I considered doing narration myself. I’ve come to realize that’s not my thing, but THAT is how damn good you are.

Okay. Maybe this IS an “ode”.

ANYHOO. Thank you, Ms. Jones. You make the dumpster fire world a better place.

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