Thirteen Visual Aides For Inspiration

I had something really boring planned for my TT today, but yesterday’s Whiskey Wednesday started the ball rolling for something more fun.
Thirteen Visual Aides For Inspiration

1. Antonio Bandares

2. Daniel Craig (The new James Bond)

3. James McAvoy (from “Children of Dune” Sci Fi Miniseries)

4. Nathan Fillion (from “Firefly” just for Kym)

5. Adam Balwin (also from “Firefly” just for Kym.) I tried to find one of just his arms but…..

6. Adrian Pasdar (from the TV show “Heroes”)

7. Chris Winters
I had a chance to chat with Chris at a Whiskey Creek Press event. Chris is a model and once starred in “Haunted” (On the Discovery Channel). He was not only hot and sexy, but nice too.

8. Raoul Bova

9. Michael Weatherly (from “Dark Angel” and “NCIS”)

10. Adam Rodriguez(from “CSI Maimi”)

11. My Boys Of “The Deadliest Catch” Edgar Hansen and Jonathan Hillstrand

12. David Boreanaz(from “Bones” and “Angel”)

13. Adrian Paul (from “The Breed” and “Highlander”)

Not enough? Here’s more. Mmmmm man candy. My favorite. Totally carb free.


Filed under Thursday Thirteen

29 responses to “Thirteen Visual Aides For Inspiration

  1. Ah yes, it’s so true…

    A wise woman once said, “A bit of eye candy is a joy forever – especially when he’s nearly naked and wet.”

    I think that’s what she said. I was distracted at the time. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Great T13! I savored, truly!


  2. I’d never get any work done if I pics like that tacked on my walls. LOL Happy T13!

  3. Wow. Well, I know I’m feeling really inspired now.

  4. Jen

    My problem is that the drool ruins my keyboard.

  5. Yummy, Jen! Love David Boreanaz!


    My TT is at

  6. Nice! My only wish would have been to remove that annoying little black box over 007’s juicy bits. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  7. Gorgeous! Nathan! Nathan!! Actually all of them are stunning.
    Thank you for the morning inspiration ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. God, I have no idea who that last guy is, but he’s got gorgeous eyes!

  9. Little black boxes should be outlawed. Just sayin’.

    Happy TT, Jen!

  10. Aaaaaah… something to refresh more sore eyes… *wg* Adoro a Antonio Banderas!!!

    Oh… who’s that very last hottie in the extras?!

  11. jodi

    *sigh* antonio banderas. I wish he were a leetle taller, but otherwise, very nice indeed.

  12. love it! Thanks for the bit of inspiration. ๐Ÿ™‚

  13. Nothing like fresh bare to whet the appetite! Thanks!

  14. Jen

    That last picture was Raoul Bova. Mmmmm.

  15. Ah yez โ€ฆ definitely inspirational T-13! LOL Thanks for sharing ;–)
    Hugs and blessings,

  16. Oh bless you! is it my birthday? *drool*

  17. Ah, Firefly… Very hot inspiration. I enjoyed your post!

  18. Oh, my.


    Love David Boreanaz and Adrian Paul.


  19. I heard rumors there was some candy over this way. Thank you, Jen. Quite a TT13 you offered…you certainly didn’t disappoint. Chris Winters is a total hotty. I’m sure I would have drooled in his presence and made a complete arse of myself.

  20. Antonio – yes-io! Daniel Craig – mmm hmm. And James McAvoy – I LOVE James. Great T13, Jen!

  21. mmmmm…. adrian paul…. daniel craig…. mmmmm …. Great choices! ๐Ÿ™‚

    Happy TT

  22. Jen

    Luckily, Nina, Chris and I only “met” online. I got to drool all I wanted.
    He really was a sweetie.

  23. Yum! Seriously good picks. ๐Ÿ™‚

  24. There is nuthin’ better than a TT full of hotties. You rawked the TT this week, Jen!

  25. Jen

    Thanks Winter. All part of the job. LOL.

  26. I’d never heard of Raoul Bova until now. Definitely yum. Very nice, Jen.

  27. Good grief, it’s hot on your blog…ROFL!!

  28. Yumm! ๐Ÿ™‚

    So are these the men that inspire your heroes when you write? Love it!

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