Thirteen Things Coming Up

1. SEPTEMBER 26th The Release of “COMMANDED TO DREAM”. There’s more information HERE.
2. Demolition Boy’s only Away Game (Soccer) In Redway
All of his games have been here. This is the only one we have to travel for.
3. Train Boy’s games in Crescent City
This is the furthest away we’re going for Football this year. Go Huskies!
4. Popcorn Sales
Boy Scouts popcorn season is upon me. It’s like the plague, only more annoying. (Unless you’re just buying and eating the popcorn. Then, it’s yummy. LOL!)
5. Halloween Party
Skating and Scouts. What could go wrong? LOL!
6. The Spookeree
This is a Boy Scout Campout for Boy Scouts and Webelos II (Cub Scouts in their last year as Cubbies) and basically the kids stay up all night and do everything in the dark. I went last year and it was a BLAST. Sadly, I can’t go this year, but Train Boy is going. He’s STOKED.
7. The Release of Joey W. Hill’s “BOUND BY A VAMPIRE QUEEN”
I can’t WAIT for this continuing story of Jacob and Lyssa.
8. Release of “HOSTILE TAKEOVER” by Joey W. Hill
she’s finished Ben’s story from the Knights of the Boardroom series! YAY!!! no date yet, but it’s coming.
9. The Release of “SIMPLY CARNAL” by Kate Pearce I’ve loved this series from the beginning and I can’t wait to get my grubby hands on this one.
10. The Release of “WHAT WE DID LAST NIGHT” by Karenna Colcraft.
Karenna is a Diva and I’ve followed her journeys thread so I can’t wait for her books to come out!
11. The Release of my book “MARKED FOR DANGER”
It took a while to get this one right. I’m in edits for it now and my release date is November 8th!
12. The Release of my book “DARK REVENGE”
With Ellora’s Cave. No date yet, but I’m in edits for this one.
13. The Release of my book “WISH UPON A STAR”
My Christmas book that’s actually part of the “MARKED” series. It’s set three years before the first “MARKED” book. I’m so excited about this one.

There you go. A little insight into why I haven’t blogged much. LOL!!!


Filed under Thursday Thirteen

9 responses to “Thirteen Things Coming Up

  1. Wow! Sounds like you have a lot to be excited about. 🙂

  2. You know what? You need some stuff to do. Can’t go bein’ lazy all the time, yaknowwhatImean?


  3. Congratulations on the new releases!


    My TT is at

  4. You make such an interesting soccer mom. 🙂

  5. Wow, you are way too busy — and yet such a productive writer! I’m envious.

    Ooh, and I can’t wait for Ben’s story either! (I’m not really into vampires so I haven’t read those.)

  6. A bit of a mixed bag! But lots of great things coming up for you!!

  7. Wonderful! I’m really pleased for you.

  8. Woo-hoo! Sounds like your in edit-hell-land right now. Congrats and have fun!

  9. Xakara

    Congrats on the coming release! Enjoy the popcorn 🙂

    Happy T13,

    13 Fitness Gadgets

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